Our Expertise in ISTDP and AEDP allows us to address your concerns of:


Anxiety falls on a pretty large spectrum with a variety of anxiety disorders. The severity of one’s anxiety often speaks to the severity of their emotional and relational trauma. We have a sophisticated way of understanding the somatic pathways of anxiety and tracking carefully how anxiety is expressed in the body. Some people use anxiety defensively to ward off feelings, while others become quickly overwhelmed and need help to manage anxiety and tolerate feelings. We will assess this carefully in therapy in order to assure a safe and supportive relationship.


Symptoms of depression are very distressing and greatly impact one’s perception of self. We work diligently to help individuals identify depressive patterns of repressing and internalizing anger that lead to self-criticism, self-attack, weepiness, low self-esteem and self-worth. We help you identify and overcome patterns of internalizing, fatigue, and low motivation in order to restore vitality and confidence.


Emotional Blocks

Difficulties connecting emotionally with oneself can rapidly be addressed using these methods. People who have learned to detach and intellectualize over their authentic emotional experience can greatly benefit here.

Relationship Difficulties

Relationship can be the most challenging and rewarding experiences of our lives. We are highly informed by our early relationships and the patterns of attachment we develop in them. Relational trauma such as abuse and neglect greatly impact our sense of self and our sense of others. We work to help you overcome relational challenges related to closeness and intimacy, trust, doubts, fearful and intrusive thoughts that occur in the context of relationship to others. We assist with patterns of overcompliance and people pleasing, patterns of defiance and self-destructive tendencies in relationship.

Personality Disturbances

Characterological patterns that have become very engrained in one’s character structure and cause distress. Character issues such as passivity, compliance, defiance, and narcissistic traits can be address using our modalities of therapy.

Medically Unexplained Symptoms

Physical distress that results from emotional disconnection and/or emotional repression. Symptoms such as tension, migraines, numbness, medically unexplained symptoms.